Saturday, November 21, 2009

Feast Day of Christ the King!

Today's readings can be found here.

Today we celebrate the ultimate leadership of God and the care He gives to us, the feast day of Christ the King. By the time John wrote his visions into the book of Revelations, Christians realized that the kingdom Jesus spoke about was not a political kingdom, but a spiritual one. John's revelation tells of a time when the King will come and all will know Him. It says that, “every eye will see him, even those who pierced him.” When our King is revealed to us we will begin to understand and know Him more than we ever could have imagined.

The next line in John's vision says that “All the peoples of the earth will lament him.” A lament is an expression of grief. Why should all people grieve when they see God? We will grieve because we will finally begin to understand the power of His love and forgiveness. The guilt of life, the pain of life, the sorrows and sins of life will well up within us as we realize that we no longer have to bear these things alone. In fact, we no longer have to bear them at all. Our King has come to take them away. He has come to make us into a kingdom as it says in the first part of this scripture, “him who loves us and has freed us from our sins by his blood, who has made us into a kingdom” we will learn that we are free, and weep tears of joy, sorrow and repentance.

The beauty of God's revelation to us, is that it isn't meant to happen at the end of time. God's revelation is happening throughout time, even now. This is evident in the different places people are in their faith. Some have already begun to see God. Some are waiting for God to reveal Himself to them. Some have begun to understand the power of His love and forgiveness. Some are waiting to understand forgiveness. Everyone is in a different place in their spiritual journey.

The ultimate blessing of His Kingship is that God is constantly watching over us, whether we recognize that we are in His kingdom or not. He has taken away our burden of sin and suffering. He has given us freedom from these things. We are free to choose to live in His kingdom, or run away from it. Do you live in His Kingdom? Who do you answer to? Who or what is the ruler in your life? The answer to these questions will tell you if you have accepted his offer and Kingship.

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