Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Mother's Day

Today is Mother's Day. Mothers are a wonderful example of love in action. A mother with her new baby does not just say, "I love you" but she will feed, wash and change the baby. She will keep him warm and cuddle him to quiet his tears. A mother will clean the scrapes and kiss the wounds of her toddler. A mother will pick up the toys and help with the math homework of her student. A mother will listen to the angst of her teenager and help pick out clothes for the prom. A mother will help pack and fold clothes as her baby goes off to college, or war, or to be married. In all of these things she says, "I love you." The fruit of her love is her child and her child's life.

Today let us love our mothers back with our actions, not just our words. Let us bear fruit for our mothers and do something wonderful for them. Happy Mother's Day.

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