Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today's readings can be found here.

The first reading tells us that wisdom is available to all. The banquet has been set, and we are all invited to partake in the wisdom of God. The second reading tells us turn away from foolish ways: drunkenness, adultery, and ignorance. It tells us to seek God's will and be filled with the wisdom of the Spirit. The wisdom of the Spirit should lead us to make the most of every opportunity (to share the Lord with others), to speak in the words of the Lord and constantly praise and give thanks to Him.

We give Him thanks because He has given us the ultimate gift, his life. His life is given so that we may live forever.

How possible is this to believe? At times, our hears question: could the body of Christ really be present to us on the altar? Fundamentalist Christians and others who take the Bible literally tend to skim over John chapter 6, also know as the “Bread of Life Discourse.” John Chapter 6 contains in it, a constant message from Jesus himself that he IS the bread sent from heaven. Jesus tells us the following. He is the living bread from heaven. Unless we eat of the flesh of the Son of Man and drink of his blood we shall not have life within us. His flesh is true food, blood true drink. The one who feeds on Him will have eternal life. This message combined with the words spoken at the Last Supper confirm that what is offered on the altar is the Body and Blood of Christ.

God has given us the gift of the Spirit and the Spirit's wisdom to help us believe what seems impossible to our human understanding. The banquet has been set, and we are invited to partake in the sacrifice on the altar. Whoever eats this Bread will live forever. Amen.

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